Viscus is the scientific name for an internal organ, and viscera is the plural form of viscus.
Each organ in your body has its own motility and mobility, meaning that each is capable of being manually moved and moving on its own. Each organ also has its own rhythm.
Viscera are soft and vulnerable. Only the gentlest of forces should be used in manipulation.
My Visceral Manipulation work is gentle and rhythmic. I align the pressure of my hands with the movement and rhythm of your organs. This is a very intimate treatment – you want someone you trust and whose caring you can feel.
I recommend Visceral Manipulation to anyone who has gastrointestinal issues – anything affecting your digestion of foods like upset stomach, constipation, or heartburn – or has pain in their abdomen that doesn't seem to have a specific location or cause.
I also highly recommend Visceral Manipulation to anyone that has had surgery in their abdomen. I find that Visceral Manipulation can help to break up the scar tissue and keep it from binding up your organs. Many pain conditions are actually organ related rather than musculoskeletal and this treatment can relieve that pain.
Visceral Manipulation is safe and great for children and pregnant women.