Fascia is a tough connective tissue that wraps up your tissues and organs in a three-dimensional web. Fascia surrounds your muscles and forms compartments around different parts of each muscle.
It is difficult to visualize because it is such an integral part of your body's structure. Many people think about it as a sort of web that connects everything in your body.
Fascia's purpose is to hold everything together and its structure is similar to ligaments and tendons.
Fascia responds to quick and strong pressure by tensing up. To release the fascia, a gentle and steady pressure must be applied to the fascia which allows it to elongate and unwind.
It feels counterintuitive to think that gentle, sustained pressure can change something so strong, but think of it like a stream of water running through the mountains. Slowly and gently the stream will change the surface of even the hardest of rocks.
During treatment this unwinding will seem like I am moving your arm, leg, or head around in circles. But I'm not moving it, I'm just supporting it and following where it wants to go to unwind. As with most of the work I do, I'm facilitating your body's own healing systems.
If you have limited range of motion in your arm, leg, or neck then Myofascial Release might be the right solution for you. Generally this limited range of motion is accompanied by pain and sometimes by numbness in your fingers or toes.
Your fascia might be tight because of a sports injury or because you sit at a computer for long periods with poor posture. Or you could have suffered a traumatic event like a car accident. One of the roles of your fascia is to protect your tissues and organs but the tightness and pain begin when the fascia has gone too far with that protection. This treatment releases the fascial restrictions to elongate it to its optimal position.
If your fascia is tight because of a single traumatic event or if you change your lifestyle so that you move more, then just a few Myofascial Release treatments can get you back to a healthy state. But if you don't fix your posture and move more, then the treatments can only do so much in .005% of your week to counteract what you do the other 99.995% of the time.
Myofascial Release is safe and great for children and pregnant women.